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New cover for The Legion of Forgettable Supervillains!

I’m thrilled to show you the latest — hopefully the final — cover for my new graphic novel, The Legion of Forgettable Supervillains. It’s available on Kindle/Comixology on July 27, 2022, and in paperback on August 9, 2022 from Curiosity Ink Media and Dynamite Publishing. Please check it out on Amazon, your favorite comic shop, or anywhere books are sold.

Legion of the Forgettable Supervillains by J. E. Bright cover

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Nice Early Review of Wonder Woman: The Way of the Amazons!

Great to see this preview video review from The Aspiring Kryptonian, Tasmin Humphries, on her YouTube channel, which I first found because she tagged me from her Instagram account. In the review, she seems very pleased by the beautiful art and comprehensive facts in my upcoming hardcover history Wonder Woman: The Way of the Amazons from Insight Editions, and she does a great job highlighting its best features. Thanks for your kind words, Tasmin! You definitely made my day.

Wonder Woman: The Way of the Amazons will be released officially on August 4, 2020.